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Named after Mick Holly, a founding member and general contractor for the hotel and the Palmer Course, this slight dogleg right is reachable for the longer hitter, but the green is tightly bunkered on both left and right. If you decide to lay up, you must be careful because the large trees and rough make the approach from 75 yards quite narrow. The closely mown apron areas left and beyond the green will require a creative short game. I really like this hole because, if you hit an aggressive shot off the tee, you can get to the green in two shots.
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The hole is a fairly sharp dogleg left. The new tee we added makes it tough to carry the corner of the dogleg, so it is best to play to the right side of the fairway. From the right, the second shot has to be played towards the pond on the left. The right to left slope of the green and the prevailing wind in your face makes the second shot very demanding.
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We completely redesigned the green to bring the lake on the left more into play. The green is set directly against the lake and stonewall on the left. And since the 4th is usually down wind, we set a bunker beyond the green. To give a good pin placement to the right, away from the lake, we added a back right shelf that is guarded by a deep bunker on the right as well as the back bunker on the left.
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When we rebuilt the 4th green, we lengthened the 5th. This dogleg left has a thick copse of trees on the inside. The prime tee shot is to drive at least 275 yards for the best view of a green flanked by water to the right and two bunkers we added to the front and left of the green. The pin will often be placed in the more difficult front right or near the bunkers on the left.
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We constructed large deep bunkers along the right side of the green to complement the water hazard and waterfall beyond the green. The green is crowned and, if you play too far left, the closely mown apron and the slope of the green will kick the ball into the water. If the wind is into you, a long iron or fairway wood will be required for this tough Par 3.
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The drive is to a fairway that slopes slightly towards a water hazard all along the right. The left side has numerous trees so it is very important to hit the fairway. The second shot is uphill to a blind green that slopes from front to back and right to left. A shot that lands on the front of the green will run to the middle. It is tough to judge the proper distance to the pin, especially when it is windy.
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Of all the Par 5’s, this could be my favourite. The tee shot is left to right and the second is right to left. The green is laced on a beautifully treed island in the River Liffey. We completely redesigned the green to make it a larger, more attractive target to tempt you to hit it on in two. If you decide to lay up, the third shot will need to be precise because there are some significant contours between the pin placements. It is risky to attempt to hit it in two, but if you lay up you can still make a four.
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Several years ago we lengthened the hole by 40 yards. This demanding dogleg left plays along the River Liffey. There are new trees that have been added to narrow the landing area from the right so, if you bail out, the second shot is tricky. The ideal drive is down the left side but this is very risky. The easier play is to hit a long iron or fairway wood to middle right of the fairway, but this can leave a medium to long iron into the green. The green has a distinct right to left slope towards the Liffey. You can be aggressive, but it is dangerous to do so.
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We lengthened the hole, which definitely brings into play the large tree in the middle of the fairway. The drive is very important because if you push the drive you are either under the tree or behind it. Either one makes for a very difficult shot to the somewhat blind green. The green slopes to the left and the back portion slopes slightly away from you.
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A very good tee shot that requires either playing short of the bunker on the left, or being more aggressive by working a driver from left to right. The trees on the right are very thick and only a short iron from the fairway will give a good chance for a birdie.
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This hole is a slight dogleg right with thick trees on the right and a deep fairway bunker on the left. The second shot is slightly uphill to a small green that now has a larger and deeper bunker on the front left.
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We designed a shallow hour glass shaped green, with a lake at the front, that requires quite a bit of thought to ensure that the correct club is chosen. The prevailing wind makes this a demanding Par 3.
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This is my favourite hole of the back nine. The double dogleg Par 5 definitely favours the long hitter. A long tee shot down the left will leave an iron to the green. The green is tucked near a large group of trees on the right so you have to shape a left to right shot, or hit a high right to left shot over the trees. You need to pay attention to the pin placement so that, if you miss the well bunkered green, you will leave the ball in a good position.
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This is a tough dogleg Par 4. The hole plays uphill into a left to right wind and it is definitely advantageous if you can draw the ball up the left side. The green is elevated and many of the slopes around the green are mown short. The left side of the green slopes left, the right side slopes to a hollow and the back runs away from you. Paying attention to the pin placement is very important.
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The drive is most important because the green is set along a stream to the left. You can take it further right from the tee than you might think, but it will take a strong tee shot to avoid the trees and rough on the inside of this left to right Par 4. Find the rough and you probably won’t go for the green. The second plays longer because of the prevailing wind. There are several good pin placements on this green.
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A new tee has been added to make this hole even more demanding. The hole plays into a strong wind with several trees left and a creek along the right side of the landing area. Therefore you must find the fairway. The green has a lake on the front left and right with the River Liffey in the background. You have to hit a good second shot to find the green. In many matches a par 4 will win this hole.
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We set the hole so the River Liffey is directly against the right side of the green. The typical wind helps take the shot away from the river and the hole will be a good birdie chance. At times the wind can blow into you, which will make the hole play much longer and tougher.
18 |
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A long drive will make this Par 5 very reachable, but you must avoid all the bunkers some 300 yards out over the big bunker and the thick rough on the left. The tee shot is uphill and somewhat blind, but it often plays down wind. From just beyond the landing area there is a lake down the left all the way to the green. The green slopes right to left and has a stonewall to the left and large bunkers front right. The front left pin position will be exciting if you bailed out.